Monday, January 07, 2008


With the regular work week since the holidays (except that Henry has Friday off) I feel like I am a big ole grizzly coming out of hibernation. The to do list has been whittled down to a manageable length and things are getting back to normal. Henry is having a rough transition from vacation, but hopefully that will stop soon. We like to call that "vacation decompression".

I finished Bianca's Monster Booty Longies and they are going into the mail today:

I've also been busy working on something totally new that I think is pretty dern cute. I am waiting on a supply to come in and then I will have pictures up. It has been nice to work on something new but I have some kinks that need to be worked out. You can count on a big batch of "seconds" coming out before the real thing is up on the site.

In other awesome Crankypants news, I spoke with my Peru contact today. I am going to meet with him later this month to go over some samples and I could place my first order with the knitting co-op as soon as the end of this month. That would take the biggest load off my shoulders and get the Classic Waiting List cookin'. So keep your fingers, toes and all other crossables, well...crossed.

Friday afternoon Henry came home from school with a very important looking sheaf of papers. Sure enough, it was all of his registration forms for Kindergarten. I can't believe my tiny little baby boy is old enough for this stuff. We have open houses later this month and formal registration is in the beginning of February. Asheville is a little different because all of the elementary schools are magnets and you can send your kid to any one of them. This means I have to look at Henry at 4 years old and track him based on what his learning style is now. It is all pretty confusing. We like the idea of experiencial learning, but Henry also really likes structure. There is a computer and technology based school, but I don't know if that is right for him, either. It just doesn't sound as fun, even though he is a computer maniac. I don't knooooooooow! I hope I'll come away from the open houses with a better idea of where we want our first choice to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your fun choosing and paperwork. We start the process next year. I am not looking forward to it...

I can't wait to see the new stuff!!

If you need a tester, you know where to find one. ;)