Monday, April 06, 2009

A Few Good Things.

Good Thing #1:

A wonderful customer of mine (Hi Nicole!) organized a charity auction for the March of Dimes that Theresa from For Crying Out Loud is hosting in her shop. It doesn't go live until April 10th at 10am, but previews started going up today. Check 'em out.

Good Thing #2:

After sitting in its mailing tube for 6 months, I finally got my most awesome This American Life poster framed! I am embarrassingly excited for the live version of This American Life coming to a local theater the 23rd.

Good Thing #3:

Henry got a perfect report card today! Go Henry!

Good Thing #4 [this is the part where Henry would tell me that 'a few' is 3 and there should be no 4th Good Thing, but whatever]:

I get to go out and see some old friends tonight! When Henry started school it got harder and harder to connect with the mamas who helped me survive his pre-school days. Every once in a while we try to get together for a kid-less dinner and tonight's the night. WooHoo!

As for the SNOW that si supposed to be on the way? I'm pushing it out of my mind until I come home from dinner and start wrapping flannel sheets around my Bearded Irises. That just bloomed. Yesterday. Gah.

1 comment:

anniebel said...

Way to go Henry!!!! We miss you guys mucho!!! Enjoy your night out!