Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why, Oh Why...

...have I been so bad at posting the minutia of life of late? I supposed because there has been so much of it. I seem to have stuck all of my fingers in various pies and am feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. Ho-hum, such is the balancing act of mamahood.

In Crankypants news...

The end of the month is rapidly approaching! My folks are coming into town in two teensy days and I was hoping to be done with all March customs by then. I'm not quite going to make it but I'll be close. I finished these Rock the Boom Box longies earlier this week:

I am hoping to be done with the pockets and appliques of Nicole's supah big sports longies tonight and Robin's girly monsters by the end of the weekend.

April brings a lot of craziness to Crankypants HQ so I will be taking a very limited number of customs. Mid-month we will be making the 13 hour drive to Florida to visit the in laws for 10 days over Spring Break. We're heading on down there with another family with a small beastie boy for Henry to hang out with so I am not going to want to work much while I'm there. Sitting on the beach and knitting wool are unmixy things. Which leads nicely into...

The haps at Henry's school. I have somehow become addicted to volunteering for things down there. I actually had to ask the nice mom sitting next to me at this month's parent team meeting to please punch me right in the face if I tried to volunteer for anything else. I am chair of the fund raising committee, which means it is my job to organize events to raise money in the most painless way possible for the various things going on at our lovely but woefully underfunded elementary school. Currently I am:

*Running a fair trade chocolate sale to run April 6-10 in partnership with the amazing fair trade chocolate company, Divine Chocolate. I have had 520 bars of some of the best chocolate around in my office for the past week and have only eaten one bar. Why yes, I think I do deserve some sort of willpower award.
*Doing PR and ticketing for the big International Childrens' Festival, which is scheduled for May 2.
*Planning a big seedling sale to happen in late April in partnership with an awesome local womens' recovery center called First Step Farm. They do horticulture as part of the recovery process and will bring flats of beautiful perennials to add to the seedlings we planted up at the greenhouse.
*Hosting a "Garden Arts" day where folks can get together and make garden themed crafts to sell at the school's farmer's market table. Yes, it is super duper cool that my kid goes to a school that has it's own table at the local farmer's market.
*Organizing a big online fund raising auction/raffle for the Playground Project ( which will happen sometime in late May. If you know any crafty crafties who might want to donate an item to the cause- send 'em my way! We have a pretty amazing donor list started, but I'd love to make this an event to remember and raise a ton of money for the playground! I'll be doing profiles on each of the donors as we count down to the event, so keep an eye out!

I also find myself the garden laison for Henry's class, which means I need to go down sometime next month and lead 20 kids in planting herbs in the Kindergarten... garden.

WooHoo! I love being so involved and getting my community fix, but sometimes I pop my head up and wonder what the heck I've gotten myself into!

The one good thing about this grey and rainy weather is that I am happy to stay inside and knit while Henry draws "weirdos" or does math problems at the table. Once the sunshine returns, it will call me out to weed the raised beds and start plotting my attack on the unruly back yard...

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