Sunday, April 06, 2008

One Eyed Willie! Fire Breathing Monster Booty! Shout Outs!

Wow, has this week been a doozy! I am happy to report that Henry is back to his normal self, woohoo! We still have a bunch of meds we have to finish, but he has been awesome about taking them (and I have actually remembered to give them to him) so hopefully we've seen the end of this icky sickiness. Yesterday was his first day of being officially no longer contagious so we went to see a random showing of The Goonies at a small indie theater in town. He has been really excited about Indiana Jones (he's seen commercials for the new LEGO game coming out) but I didn't think he was ready for it yet. So I thought The Goonies would be perfect.

Things I remembered correctly and was excited about:

1. All of Data's awesome inventions.
2. The super cool pirate ship.
3. The beauty of the "Truffle Shuffle".
4. How amazingly awful 80s fashion was.

Things I kind of forgot about and did a facepalm when I saw:

1. All of the swearing. Did we swear that much at that age?
2. The dead body in the freezer.
3. The Fratellis trying to stick Chunk's hand into a blender.

Oops. I was surprised that I didn't have to explain to Henry that Sloth was a good guy that just happened to be a little scary looking. He totally got it right away. I was impressed. All in all, though, I think the movie was WAY too old for him. I think it would be better suited for a 7-12 year old. The beginning was really slow and there was a bit too much language and violence for me (for him). It was fun to go back and see it, though.

I finished Nic's Fire Breathing Monster Booty and I am really happy with them. I hope you like them, Nic!

I also found a couple of Cranky shout out that were kind of cool.

This one is from a site called Cool-List Kids, a kids' product review blog:

And this is from th Cloth Diaper Diva's Squidoo Lens "How to Choose Cloth Diaper":

Thanks for the shout outs, guys!


anniebel said...

Luv those fire breathing monsters bootys! So cute!

Andrea said...

Ahhh! Goonies was one of my all time favorite movies! I was thinking how it'd be cool to show them to Jackson, but yeah, maybe I should wait a bit...

Awesome fire breathing monster! He rocks!

Andrea said...

Ahhh! Goonies was one of my all time favorite movies! I was thinking how it'd be cool to show them to Jackson, but yeah, maybe I should wait a bit...

Awesome fire breathing monster! He rocks!