Saturday, August 18, 2007

Two Things I Adore.

Since I don't have pictures of anything I've made lately to post, I thought I'd share two things I came across that I just adore.

The first is a little card that I ordered from Bamboo Village Supply on Etsy. I can't wait to frame it and put it somewhere I can look at it all the time:

The second comes from a knitter I borderline idolize, Brooklyn Tweed. The things he creates with two sticks and a string are amazing and wonderful. He is one of those fearless knitters who changes every pattern and can see how everything is going to unfold ahead of time. It also doesn't hurt that he is a professional photographer and can take the most incredible pictures of his work. He just finished this crazy lace work blanket that you need to see to believe. He calls it the Hemlock Ring Blanket. Amazing.

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