So the Bee and I have taken our relationship to the next level. We are now running buddies. Well, that might be ever so slightly overstating things. We are more like shuffle-stagger-gasp and walking-at-a-minutely-faster-pace-than-usual buddies. I have decided that I must run in the Atlanta Dirty Girl mud run at the end of April. My running career up to this point is such that it will, in fact, take me all that time to get ready for a 5K. I mentioned this to my friend Mishele, who just ran from Key West to Miami Beach with her husband. Like, actually ran. From Key West to Miami Beach. Not intimidating at all. I left her house with a training schedule and a pair of her old running shoes. I mentioned it to Kyle and walked out of the room with a new running app on my phone that not only tracks my routes and mileage, but also has a button I can push to start playing Eye of the Tiger in an emergency situation. I now (according to said app) have 3.28 miles under my belt, along with a couple of run routes that look like they were laid out by a drunk toddler from out of town. And a happy dog.
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