drumroll pulease....
Finnegan Ridley Bizzell, 19 months old.

There were so many awesome entries it was near impossible to pick, but sometimes I get the hard jobs. This may seem like an odd picture to choose since you can't see the Monster Booty on the bum, but something about it just screamed 'wonderful' to me. The beach in the Fall, laying in the sand, chocolate hoodie and wet cuffs, that perfectly contented expression on his face... It just gives me a warm fuzzy.
I will be posting more of my favorite entries over the next week and change. If you entered the photo contest, please shoot me your mailing address and I will send you your very own Crankypants sticker for your car, bike, wagon, Big Wheel, sewing machine, etc. just for entering.
Thanks so much everyone!
Thats my boy! He's such a funny little dreamer, and what a fantastic evening at the beach that was. The sun was setting, we were wet and sandy, and so, so happy to be with eachother.
That's a great picture! Kids are so amazing, isn't it just an honor that we get to watch them grow!
A beautiful name for a beautiful boy. ~From a Bizzell in Dallas, TX
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