Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Crankypants Shtuff...

I spoke to my Peruvian contact and, once again, things are running behind. It seems that this is getting to be par for the course, so a 60 day lead time may be more reasonable when I take pre-orders from now on. The box is supposed to ship from Lima on Friday, so hopefully I can have them and start getting them out the following Friday/Saturday.

In the meantime I've finished a couple of customs:

I've also been working on some tids and bits for my super special guest stocking with Necessitae at the end of the month. I'll start posting pictures and reminding you when it gets a little bit closer.

The Wii had to take a week long vacation because of poor Wiitiquette on the part of my little beast, but it was set back up this morning so I am going to log in later to see if anyone has stepped up to my Guitar Hero challenge. Since the Wii has been in the closet for 7 days, I'll be nice and rusty- here's your chance! Take it now before I practice and get all awesome again...

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