Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Carolyn and her family have been calling her little beastie to be (he's still a wee little bun in the oven) 'baby dragon' for a few months and so she asked if we could do a dragon booty! They are a size medium, so don't expect action shots anytime soon, but she wanted them to fit when the little guy could actually show them off.

I love how the flames came out. I hope the dragon boy likes them, too!


Anonymous said...

Those are way too cute Amy..it seems the mommies just keep getting more and more creative when it comes to design.

Anonymous said...

Amy, those rock! I love the flames going down the leg too, very creative! :) Susannah

Sue said...

How cool are those dragon pants. I would be so proud to put them on a toddler if I had one, mine are now too old to wear pants like that. Great design!